Floyd Stokes is the author of 13 books. He has been visiting schools, libraries, Head Start centers and other community locations to read to children for over 10 years in all 50 states.
During the school visits, Mr. Stokes will read his books and sing songs. The length of the visit varies depending on the needs of the organization. The assemblies are good for students up to 5th grade. It is best but not necessary to split the students into two groups (Pre-K thru 2nd) and (3rd thru 5th). Not only is the smaller group more manageable but the reading materials and the presentation could be very different.
The visit provides an opportunity to encourage children to read and to discuss the process of writing and creating books. Order books by Floyd Stokes to introduce the students the books to help the visit go better.
Cost – The honorarium varies depending on the costs for travel, lodging, and related expenses.
Thank you for visiting Little Lambs Preschool. It was an honor for you to be featured during our family night for the past 2 years now. Our families love hearing you read your books to them. The highlight this year was listening to your 2 daughters read and sing along to the books they helped create. The books are catchy, educational, and have beautiful illustrations as well. We read your books to our preschool children often and will continue to buy any new books you produce. We look forward to having you “Super Reader” and your family as part of our yearly Family Night programs for many years to come. Thank you again,
Jennifer M. – Center Director
The students and staff at Tri-Community had a great time with Mr. Stokes! They loved interacting with the stories as he read them. The older students really enjoyed talking with him about being a writer and good writing practices. Thanks for a fun morning!
Angela Hocking – Reading Specialist
Each time I walk into a visiting author assembly, I think proactively, arranging my second grade students appropriately, so that each student can be a successful audience, in the event that the author visiting is only that, a wonderful author. Floyd Stokes is more than just a wonderful author. He is a motivator, an entertainer and a perfect role model with an excellent message…read! During his visiting author presentation at our school, I watched as he had every child engaged in his stories, had control of his audience, gave the students an opportunity to move and sing, and provided an important message, “Reading and writing stories is fun!” When Floyd visited my local library, I made sure my daughter and I did not miss it! Thanks, Floyd! You’re so talented!
Carrie Budman – Teacher
Dear Mr. Strokes, Just wanted to say that I greatly enjoyed your talk as guest speaker during Luzerne County Head Start’s all staff meeting on Friday. I absolutely loved “My Glasses”, “Popcorn” and “I Can Do It All By Myself”, and I purchased all three. I am looking forward to using them in my classroom. Thanks for taking some time to share your insight with our team. Best,
Kate B. – Luzerne County Head Start
It’s a great program for promoting reading for children of all ages. The children look forward to Floyd’s visits.
Gail S. – Director of Fort Loudon Community Library, Fort Loudon, PA
I thoroughly enjoyed your program. I deeply value your mission to promote Literacy and programs that will encourage our children to love learning. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your organization and into SuperReader.
Rondia B. – Children’s Librarian Downtown Library, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
1. EXCELLENT’!!!!!!!!!!
Various teachers at Sara Lindermuth Elementary School in Susquehanna School District
2. Best author since the four year I have been here.
3. Excellent! Students very involved and interested.
4. Great! Simplistic-kids were engaged and he knew how to keep pulling them in!
5. Entertaining and motivating.
6. Good role-modeling for our young readers. PLEASE bring him back and consider him as a motivational speaker for our parents!
There are few presenters that are able to get the audience as involved and excited about reading as Super Reader. I have seen him on many different occasions and he never disappoints.
Mrs. Kim G. – School Counselor, Fink Elementary School, Middletown School District
We LOVED having you. You are so personable and dynamic the kids loved you. Their teachers told me they were talking all afternoon that they had never met a real author before. Thank you for giving them this opportunity.
Kim Zsitek-Brannan RN MSN CRNP – School Nurse, Mosser Elementary School, Allentown School District
- Visit my website to introduce the students to me and my books.
- Have the librarian and/or teachers read my books to the students.
- Have students think of questions to ask.
- Throw a contest and have the winners receive autographed books.
- Ask the local newspapers to cover the visit. If they don’t, you can take pictures and submit them to the paper.
- Let the students know that you are excited about the visit, they will be also.
For additional information and availability, please email [email protected].